Monday, December 31, 2018

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Suite 102 Envoy House, La Vrangue, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY13EN

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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Is She OBSESSED w Older Guys?

Don't waste your time

I've got 2 words for you...

"Social Rebel"

No, I'm not talking about you.

I'm talking about HER.

If she considers herself a social rebel, then there's a MUCH higher likelihood that she's into older guys.


Well think about it for a second…The social rebel likes to go against the grain.

The social rebel likes to be… *drumroll*...REBELLIOUS.

And what's more rebellious than dating a MUCH older man?

Not only does she enjoy the shock value of it, but dating a much older man helps to reinforce her own perception of herself:

She's wild, untamed, and "takes the road less traveled".

Make sense?

Naturally, the next question is "how do you SPOT the social rebel, and more importantly, how do you APPROACH her?"

The answers to those questions are right here – inside Bill Grant's brand new, super controversial video.

Check it out, before mean old ladies get it taken down forever.

Uu la la
Animals Joys
Licked the cave
Give women a gift

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Sent by HookupGoddess, 109 Greenfield Ct, Naples, FL, 34110

Private message received from tatati24

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tatati24, 26
Mayport Naval Station, Florida, US
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© 2018 - Virtual Landscape Limited, All rights reserved.
Suite 102 Envoy House, La Vrangue, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY13EN

By logging in, I affirm that I am at least 18 years old and I understand that this site is for entertainment only. I agree to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and the use and nature of ONLINE FLIRT® program. For any questions or comments regarding your membership or the ONLINE FLIRT® program, please view our Terms & Conditions or contact us at:

Friday, December 28, 2018

Meeting a 22 year old open-minded girl

Brave girls


Men age like wine…Many people point to this simple difference in ageing as the reason why older men can date younger women and yet older women can't really date younger men. But if you thought this was the sole explanation for the difference in sexes and dating, you'd be mistaken.

Women are actually not very interested in looks. Female attraction is a combination of surprising factors, including wealth, status, experience, confidence, dominance and more. Physical attraction is way down the bottom of the hierarchy. 

As in a-nice-to-have, but not necessary quality-like backgammon skills or kite flying. And if you want to attract a woman that is half your age and practically glowing from her positive energy, you'd better start paying attention to the non-obvious factors. Because these are the subtle things that make a huge difference in attraction. They are what can get you to meet a 22-year old make up artist. Even if you're broke. Even if you're ugly. Even if you're 20-years 'past your prime'.

My mentor Bill Grant covers some of these key factors in his New, Controversial Video. And if you'd like to learn more .Take a Look at it Here!

Cute toons
Call of nature
Live show
The secret

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Meet your true love this spring

Easy and simple

People can't be completely frank on mainstream social networks because they are being influenced by social standards there. Yet on our website you can feel totally safe and you can say anything about you and show any photos of yours. And there, among free people, you can find yourself a match to spend a sweet evening. Or even a whole sweet life.

Hard enough
Girl with  ears
New abilites

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Sent by HookupGoddess, 109 Greenfield Ct, Naples, FL, 34110

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Suite 102 Envoy House, La Vrangue, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY13EN

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Who are you looking for?

Real girls

Looking to build a family? Simply want to have some fun tonight? Would you like to have only one girl? Or would you prefer to change them like socks? Are you maybe that type which love to be dominated instead? Anything you want is here. Don't worry, none will hear about it (from us).

Dangerous  cartoons
Choose  any
Spank  yourself
Be first to learn

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Sent by HookupGoddess, 109 Greenfield Ct, Naples, FL, 34110

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